Our Feelings:

So we are still here and open until we are ordered to close, at which point we hope we will still be able to ship beers to your homes where possible. I will attempt to outline what our plan is to keep our business alive, our staff employed and support the big beautiful breweries behind us and keep their staff employed.

This is bigger than profits, this is about making it through with staff in place and an industry able to produce the beer you love once everything is over and we can bounce back. All support will be gratefully received and we really want to keep the wheels on this machine turning. After 10+ years of working in this industry from distribution to brewing to retail, I can’t bear to think of a world without it where people have to go back to drinking big beer from the armpit of the brewing industry.

The Plan:

  1. We are launching the Beer Necessities Wilderness discount card which you can purchase for £40. This will give you a 10% discount for 1 year from the first use of the card which gives you plenty of time to earn back the investment plus some payback to say thank you and it can be used in store and online. (To do the sums if you spend £15 a week with us for that year you will receive £78 in discount)

  2. DEYA is now available for delivery across the whole country!!! These guys are our friends along with the other breweries we work with. We want to move as much beer as possible for them so they are there for when we all get back to normal life.

  3. VERDANT cans are coming back and we will have stock as soon as we can.

  4. Deliveries are now free for orders over £50 nationally (including Bristol). For orders under £50 we are charging £3.99 in Bristol for postcodes BS1 to BS8 and £7.50 nationally. In regards to delivery we are trying to keep it to one day but at this time we can only say we will do our best and there may be some hiccups or roadblocks (potentially physical shutdown) along the way so please bear with us. If we are unable to send beer due to a full shut down we will hold beer in our cold room and send it out as soon as restrictions are lifted.

  5. If you are in self isolation please let us know in the delivery requirements and we will drop it at the door and knock so you can collect it without contact.

  6. We are now doing the glass bottle for growler fills for free when you pay for a first fill, you will still get your loyalty card stamped. We will be open for growler fills as long as we can to clear kegs and it’s a great way to have draught beer at home and cheap like the budgie!

  7. We are closed for drinking inside, we however will allow drinking on the terrace outside to reduce contact and crowding.

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